Our Product Research & Curation Process
Our Shopping team is committed to providing authentic, unbiased, and high-quality content on a diverse range of products. To help you make the best purchase decisions, we use exclusive technology to compile lists based on reviews from millions of real people worldwide. Individual product reviews are written by our independent Shopping writing team, separate from IsraelHayom’s Editorial team.
Our methodology, rooted in the Wisdom of the Crowd Theory, is more reliable than the subjective opinions of a single writer who might review products without comprehensive testing. We ensure that our product selection process is free from external influences by any individual, brand, or product line. Moreover, our writers continuously update our recommendations to keep them fresh, accurate, and helpful. As most products we recommend are sold on Amazon, we trust its customer reviews and ratings. To learn more about Amazon’s customer reviews and ratings, click here.
The concept of the wisdom of the crowd is central to our content. This theory is reflected in product reviews, where the collective evaluations of a diverse group of consumers provide more reliable and insightful information than individual expert opinions. Each reviewer brings unique perspectives, experiences, and preferences, and combining these viewpoints reduces individual biases and inaccuracies. Therefore, the average rating or consensus in product reviews offers a more accurate representation of a product’s quality or performance than any single reviewer’s assessment. This approach showcases the power of collective intelligence, giving consumers a well-informed basis for their purchasing decisions. Platforms like Quora, Reddit, and Wikipedia also leverage the collective knowledge of their users.
If there’s a category or product that you would love to see featured, please let us know by sending us a note at englishdesk@israelhayom.com.
Note: Remember that some health products may not be suitable for everyone. If you have a health condition and are considering trying new skincare products or supplements, it’s important to consult a physician first.